Lethy Krishnan Jagadamma (PI)
‘Energy Harvesting Research Group’ is started in 2020 at the School of Physics and Astronomy as part of my UKRI-Future Leaders Fellowship. Previously I was a Marie-Curie Research Fellow at Organic Semiconductor Center at the School of Physics and Astronomy. My research expertise is on metal oxide thin films, optoelectronic devices especially thin-film solar cells such as Organic, and Hybrid Perovskites and structure-function-property correlation studies. Recently I have started to focus my research on the exciting application of these solar cells in ‘indoor light harvesting’ or ‘indoor Photovoltaics’.
Professional Experience
2020 July onwards: UKRI-Future Leaders Fellow, Energy Harvesting Research Lab, University of St Andrews, UK
2017-2020: Marie Curie Individual Fellowship. Organic Semiconductor Centre(OSC), University of St Andrews, UK; Topic: Time resolved spectroscopic characterization of perovskite solar cells under real operating condition
2016-2017 : Research Fellow – Organic Semiconductor Centre (OSC), University of St Andrews, UK; EPSRC project: Enhancement of Low Cost Organic Solar Cells by Plasmonic Structures for Application and Manufacturing in Developing Countries
2015 -2016: Research Fellow – Organic Semiconductor Centre (OSC), University of St Andrews, UK; EPSRC project: Self-assembled organic photovoltaic materials
2012 :-2015 : Post-doctoral Fellow, KAUST Solar centre, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), KSA; Topic: Development of solution-processed metal oxide charge-transporting layers for organic solar cells